Service Alert: The Free Fare period has returned for 2024. Free Fare on all routes.

Route Deviations

If your pick-up location is within four blocks (3/4 of a mile) of a fixed route bus stop or routing and you would like the fixed route bus to pick you up at the curb you can request a deviation by calling 760-922-1140. Deviation requests should be made at least 30 minutes prior to the pickup time. Deviations can also be requested from the driver at least 30 minutes prior to the pick-up or drop-off time, subject to approval. A fee of $.85 cents will be added to the passengers boarding fee for all deviations. Deviations are subject to change and approval. Deviations maybe denied due to a 3 deviation per loop limit, a late schedule more than 15 minutes or unexpected emergencies. Some restrictions apply, call for details.